Anti-Trump Republican Group to Blanket Tennessee With Advertising


Members of an organization who want former national security advisor John Bolton to testify in the impeachment hearings against U.S. Republican President Donald Trump will reportedly put out ads in six states.

Tennessee is one of those six states.

This, according to, which reported that members of this group, Republicans for the Rule of Law, will also release ads in Utah, Arkansas, Maine, Colorado, and Arizona.

As The Tennessee Star reported in December, U.S. Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee said he will not take a position on the impeachment of U.S. Republican President Donald Trump.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Bill Weld reportedly said he knows most of the senior Republicans in the U.S. Senate, and that “they’re picking their words carefully when they talk to me.”

“I wouldn’t want to get quoted,” the website quoted Weld as saying.

“I don’t even like to ask someone to do something which is not in their political self-interest. But yeah, I would say they’re four to six votes for removal right now.”

According to an old article on, with an unspecified date, Weld referred to Alexander as a friend.

As reported, U.S. Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn, who also represents Tennessee, has made her thoughts known on the impeachment matter.

Members of a 501c4 group known as Defending Democracy Together — who say they are “lifelong conservatives and Republicans” — called on Alexander to act in a video.

The ad then touts the website

According to the website, Republicans for the Rule of Law “is a coalition of Republicans who believe law enforcement investigations should be completed without political interference, the laws apply equally to everyone, and the Constitution needs to be followed.”

Republicans for the Rule of Law is a project of Defending Democracy Together.

According to the organization’s website, The Weekly Standard founder William Kristol directs the group, alongside author and former National Review writer Mona Charen.

Linda Chavez, and former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman, among others, are also involved.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Background Photo “Political Ad” by Republicans for the Rule of Law.







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11 Thoughts to “Anti-Trump Republican Group to Blanket Tennessee With Advertising”

  1. William R. Delzell

    Mike Pompeo and John Bolton are even worse than Trump on foreign/military policy issues. Enough said!

  2. CCW

    I agree with Mark Levin, it is not the job to call or inteview or enter more phoney “evidence” into the record.
    Mark: “MARK LEVIN: There’s no constitutional violation. There’s no statutory violation. There is no violation of a federal court order. This is why they keep throwing up smoke. And I want to tell these five Republicans in the Senate, the weak links in the chain — Romney, Collins, Murkowski, Gardner, Alexander. Let me tell you something. You have a duty to uphold the constitution. What the House of Representatives has done here is destroy the constitution. It’s your job to fix it. It’s your job to stop them, not aid and abet by calling witnesses that the Democrats want. No. No witnesses. No witnesses. This should be dismissed. This is a disgrace.
    That’s it.”

  3. Michael Smith

    Lamar Alexander had his political start in HardinCounty TN The great patriots of this state do not need nor want your opinions of our overwhelmingly elected President of the people Donald J. Trump. You were elected to represent us-not failed Republicans with agendas. Vote the will of the TN people which is to support our President. Ads that are presented to the volunteer state voters will fall on deaf ears!!!! Do your duty. Uphold the will of the people of the great state of Tennessee

  4. Alexander has always been a Liberal but Corporatist. .He gave our State Forest to the Timber Industry through transferring them to the Dept of Ag. Many remeber the Timber Industry clar cutting Catoosa and most State Forest and most replanted in pines except for screens alogn the roads.. he raised our sales taxes and fuel taxes three times. Me made Sales tax policies forcing Small Farmers the grewaand sold their own produce to collect sales taxes and put out of business all real .Farmers Markets, because they were competing with Globalist Corporate wholesellers and Super Market chains, with deep pockets.and so on. He is a complete phony.

  5. Pissed Off Nashvillian

    Lamar is a doddering ole fool. He needs to crawl out from under his desk and do his job.

  6. Tiny

    Lamar Alexander and other liberal thinking nut jobs need to be voted out he along with others in the Senate and house need to be gone.

  7. ron stone

    Why did voters think Lamar was conservative? Because his political ads said so? Uninformed voters that listen but don’t look continue to be disappointed with their choices while having noone but themselves to blame.

  8. 83ragtop50

    Only one more year to put up with Alexander pushing his liberal agenda instead of the wishes of the majority of Tennesseans. He is a great example why the House of Representatives and Senate need term limits.

  9. Brice williams

    I would suggest to Lamar to move in full time with Patty Murray in upper northwest . Forget Blackberry farms . You will not be safe in East Tn

  10. Rick

    Alexander you are running with trash and losers, get away from them now before you humiliate yourself more than you already have, show you have some dignity remaining. Do NOT go against the people’s vote and choice.

  11. joeblitzft

    Lamar Alexander, the epitome of the term “RINO”.
